

Roy Cook Lichty 1881-1945

18 September 1926 - San Diego Union
Rental Advertisement

Roy C. Lichty - Realtor
For Rent, furnished and unfurnished bungalow apartments, close to unsurpassed view in all parts of the city for $40 up. All our rentals are personally inspected. Call Mrs. Knox with Roy C. Lichty Realtor. U.S. Grant Hotel building. Main 6181

Roy C. Lichty (Realtor)
Five and six room bungalow apartments. Close in. Unsurpassed view. Elaborately furnished, very large. $100; also new 4 room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, beautifully furnished, close to jr. high. $65. For these and other exclusive rentals call:
Mrs. Knox with Roy C. Lichty (Realtor), U. S. Grant Hotel Building, Main 6181

File name1926-sept-18-san-diego-union-pg18.JPG
File Size43.81k
Dimensions333 x 344
Linked toRoy Cook Lichty