

1860 US Census for W H G[win] Household

Lafayette County, Mississippi

In the household:
W H G[win], 33, farmer, born in TN
Mary, 33, born in TN
William, 12, born in MS
Elizabeth, 10, born in MS
John, 8, born in MS
Ruth, 5, born in MS
Caleb, 2, born in MS

Although on the census record it only lists "W H G" and his family, it was determined that this was the family of Wilson H Gwin through their ages, relationships, and birth places.

File namegwin-wilson-h-1829-1863-census-1860-lafayette-mississippi.jpg
File Size946.61k
Dimensions1200 x 1868
Linked toCaleb Gwin; Elizabeth Gwin; John Gwin; Ruth Gwin; William Gwin; Wilson H Gwin; Mary G Sullivan